Posts tagged Barbra Streisand
Interview with Cindy Sorenson, Actress in “CAPTAIN EO”

In this episode of The Tiara Talk Show, actress Cindy Sorenson chats with host Tammy Tuckey about working alongside Michael Jackson, George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola for the 1986 Disneyland film, “CAPTAIN EO,” meeting celebrities like Barbra Streisand and the late Elizabeth Taylor on & off the set, creating the characters of Idee and Odee with co-star Debbie Lee Carrington (Idee) and more!

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Interview with Kellie Coffey, Lead Singer of EPCOT’s “ILLUMINATIONS: REFLECTIONS OF EARTH”

In this episode of The Tiara Talk Show, Kellie Coffey, lead singer of EPCOT’s “ILLUMINATIONS: REFLECTIONS OF EARTH,” chats with host Tammy Tuckey about her early singing career, recording the demo track of “When She Loved Me” for Toy Story 2, her upcoming music projects and more!

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