My Upcoming Walt Disney World-Themed Cover Album!

Indiegogo Campaign:

It’s been over four years since I released my Walt Disney World cover album "You'll Find Me on Main Street" and one of the questions I get asked the most is when will I release my second album. Well, here's the official answer... in 2023!

But, to make this happen, I would like to humbly ask you for your help. 

The goal is to release an album with nine new Walt Disney World song covers and one original song written by myself in April 2023. This campaign is *ALL or NOTHING* - if we hit the $10,000 goal in 60 days, the album will move forward. If not, the project will be cancelled.

I made my first cover album "You'll Find Me on Main Street" independently over the course of 10 months in 2017/2018 with the donations friends and fans made to the project on GoFundMe. It was a difficult process, but I learned the ins-and-outs of making an album as a producer, performer and marketer of a project of this magnitude. You can listen to and watch the music videos for the album here:

For the album to become a reality, the fundraiser will need to hit the goal of $10,000 within 60 days of the campaign beginning 5/11/22.

If you would like to see past performances of mine, here's an official YouTube playlist:

I will always be forever grateful for all the support for my past projects, my podcast, my concerts/shows and my first album. Thank you for being a part of this new journey - I'm excited to bring you more music from the Disney theme parks but in a new, unique way. It's time to rattle the stars!


Tammy Tuckey